Monday, 12 July 2010

God Gave You A Brain… So Don’t Use It

As children growing up, when we did something stupid or without thinking, our parents would turn to us and say “God gave you a brain…so use it!” But between now and December 21, 2012, the human race will actually evolve not by using the brain more, but – surprisingly – by using it less. It sounds absurd, but let’s look at what’s happening in our brains with different brain waves:

Delta brain waves are seen only in the deepest stages of sleep (Stages 3 and 4). Theta brain waves are seen in light sleep and drowsiness (sleep stages 1 and 2). Alpha brain waves are seen in wakefulness where there is a relaxed and effortless alertness. Beta brain waves are seen in highly stressful situations, and where there is difficult mental concentration and focus.” – The Biocybernaut Institute: Advanced Brain Wave Biofeedback Training using Neurofeedback

Scientists currently measure brain activity by using an electroencephalogram (or EEG) that measures the brain wave frequencies. Each brain wave has a different frequency:

Delta brain waves – less then 4Hz
Theta brain waves – 4-7Hz
Alpha brain waves – 7-13Hz
Beta brain waves – 13-40Hz

In deep sleep, we see Delta brain waves – your brain activity is very slow. As you surface and begin to wake, they speed up a little, and become Theta brain waves. Now imagine your alarm goes off and you jerk awake: you have to leap out of bed, rush, dress, bolt down breakfast, and race out the house. You zip straight into Beta brain waves, without passing through the Alpha brain wave stage. If you weren’t beginning to wake up already, you’ll miss the Theta brain wave stage as well. Like a car grinding from first gear to fourth, you’ll shoot straight from Delta to Beta. (Read more about sleep patterns and brain waves.

Actually, we spend most of our waking lives in a Beta brain wave state – not always at the high end of stress, but within that range. We’re using the highest frequency almost all the time – but the lower frequencies have a lot to offer us. By using our brain less, the human race can change levels of consciousness for the better. Let’s look at each type of brain wave more closely.

Beta Brain Waves

The brain activity working within the “Beta” level of frequency, the highest frequency, is considered the normal state of waking consciousness. Nearly all forms of action, thinking, and problem-solving are done with beta brain waves. You’re probably using them right now, to read this. Most people at our current state of evolution spend most of their waking moments in Beta State. It’s by far the consciousness we are most familiar with and many of us would consider it the real “I” or “me” of ourselves.

Alpha Brain Waves

In the Alpha state, the brain is in a state of relaxation and meditation. This is associated with creativity and super learning – that perfect concentration that feels partly effortless and partly like the most focused you’ve ever been.

Most meditations and energy healing techniques utilize Alpha brain waves for relaxation and healing. Peak performances are also associated with Alpha brain waves. Recently, sports scientists have shown an influx of Alpha brain waves activity during extraordinary performances. So a clutch basketball player will generate Alpha brain waves before hitting a crucial shot and an elite golfer will produce Alpha brain waves before hitting a critical putt. These pro elite athletes will describe it at “quieting the mind” and “living in the moment” or “being in the zone”. Other extraordinary performances include talented actors who can lose themselves in their character and gifted musicians who lose themselves in their music. These special performers find their exceptional amount of creativity by actually creating Alpha brain waves.

Theta Brain Waves

In the Theta state, the brain is barely conscious – just before sleeping and just after waking; the border between the conscious and subconscious world.

While in the Theta state, the mind is capable of deep and profound learning, healing and growth – it’s the brain wave where our mind can connect to the Divine and manifest changes to the material world. During the deepest levels of meditation, Tibetan Buddhist monks can attain the “Zen” level of consciousness by suppressing the superior parietal lobe portion of their brain. The Theta state is associated with this kind of deep meditation and shamanic journyes. (That’s the bit that tells you where you end and the universe begins!) Similarly, during deep prayer, Franciscan Nuns can experience the “Holy Spirit” in the same way. Here are the names of higher levels of consciousness from various spiritual traditions:

Christianity: the Holy Spirit
Bhuddism: Zen
Yoga: Super Consciousness
Gurdjieff: Objective Consciousness
Sufism & Hinduism: Cosmic & God Consciousness
New Thought: Christ Consciousness

Delta Brain Waves

In the Delta state, the brain is in a state of deep sleep and unconsciousness. This is the realm where your soul resides, your unconscious, which stores the collection of memories of everything you’ve ever done, your free will consciousness, your life purpose, the reason you came into life.


It’s said that the Mind is the bridge between Body and Spirit. Scientific studies show that the lower your brain wave frequencies are, the quieter your mind and the stronger your feeling of spirit within the body. Enlightened spiritual masters like Jesus, Buddha, Moses and Muhammad were able to create their amazing levels of spirit and higher level of consciousness through their ability to control their brain wave frequencies.

Making a Conscious Decision to use our brains less

The increasing popularity of activities like Yoga, Tai Chi and meditation show that the human race is making a conscious decision to raise our consciousness by using our brain less. Western medicine’s increasing acceptance of holistic medicine, the power of prayer and the benefit of meditation shows that your frame of mind does impact your immune system and our ability to heal. We talk freely about stress-related illnesses and the impact of stress; we recognize that these different activities lower our stress levels.

But most importantly, our ability to change our consciousness brings the love, light and vibration of spirit into our day-to-day lives. And as a result, this brings bliss into our existence. Through collective consciousness (our deepest level of consciousness) or even cause-and-effect if you prefer, bliss will bring bliss and will create a better world to live in.

So let’s mediate, let’s pray, and with the assistance of Spirit, let’s create Heaven on Earth by consciously deciding to use our brain less. Preferably by December 21, 2012.

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