Throughout this blog, we discuss the evolution of the human race to create heaven on earth by December 21, 2012. Now if one of the greatest minds in the history of the human race, Albert Einstein, was alive today, what would be his thoughts on such an ambition? Perhaps we can look at some of his famous quotes to see how they coincide with our future world vision.
In our posts, we try to explain the science behind the light, love, and spirit that we experience at moments during our human existence – for instance, our August 16 post on The Soul’s Electric Light and the understanding of electromagnetism. So religion, in terms of its spirituality and not its dogma, can be explained scientifically, which would give us substance to our faith. Having blind faith sounds like a strength, but having unwavering blind faith can be dangerous if it leads you in the wrong direction.
Our May 17 post, The meek will inherit the earth, emphasized the need to balance the “yin & yang” on the planet by drawing on more feminine energies, such as creativity, imagination, and intuition. As Einstein understood, we need more than just rational, problem-solving thought. Our July 12 post, God Gave you a Brain – So don’t use it, looked at the importance of being at the level of Alpha brain waves for creativity, peak performances, and super learning, as opposed to the higher-frequency Beta brain waves, used for most thinking and problem solving. More brain waves is not always better.
Our April 19 post, For want of a nail, says that the cycle of fear and violence must end: with the human race’s current capability to kill one another, we cannot blindly, patriotically, and righteously fight another world war. We actually quoted Einstein in this post, on how we must change our thinking to solve our world problems. We need to move from fear-based thinking to love-based thinking.
Einstein understood that emotions like anger, hatred, and rage cannot drive our thinking if we want the human race to survive. We looked at the impact of emotions on our thinking in our September 20 post, Emotional Decisions, and the need to move to the emotions that raise our spirits – and just maybe, pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe. Image from Deviant Art.
In these quotes, Einstein speaks about the illusion of reality and delusion of consciousness. We believe that this addresses the illusion that the human race is separated by time and space. In our March 15 post, What we know about the world can change, we write about how quantum physics is proving we are all connected and the need to start acting on that understanding.
This website consistently communicates the need for the human race to evolve from body to mind, and eventually to spirit. Our March 1 post, A New Age of Enlightenment, talks about moving from “Dare to Know” to “Dare to Be”. Einstein understood that knowledge on its own was meaningless and that tapping into spirit was the way to understand the universe.
By comparing our posts and our website to the quotes of Albert Einstein, we are by no means putting ourselves in the same region of brilliance. And to some extent, we do interpret what he says to fit our posts. But that said, we do believe that both our website and Albert Einstein’s words see the same changes that the human race needs. We need a paradigm shift in the way we think and interact as human beings. We need to move away from the illusion of separation and come to terms with the fact that we are all connected. We aim to provide the vision for these changes, both intellectually and spiritually.
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