Monday, 3 May 2010

The Mayan Calendar’s promise

What does the Mayan Calendar tell the human race is coming – inevitable Armageddon? Inevitable Enlightenment? Something in between? Nothing at all? Both NASA and the Mayan elders agree: disaster isn’t imminent. Instead, our evolution could take a huge leap forward, through collective intelligence.

Not disaster but enlightenment

Prophecies of doom for December 21, 2012 are plentiful. Planet X is going to collide with us – or possibly Niribu – or a massive solar flare will torch us all – or the earth will turn on its head – or a massive planetary alignment will destroy us all… Reassuringly, no scientific evidence backs up any of these fatal forecasts. Ian O’Neill, an engaging science writer, runs through the misunderstandings behind the different claims in his articles on 2012 and even NASA steps in to reassure us there’s no imminent disaster. The stuff of movies is not the stuff of fact.

Mayans themselves say 2012 is not the end of the world – quite the opposite. Gerardo Barrios, who grew up among the Maya Mam tribe in Huehuetenango, interviewed close to 600 traditional Mayan elders about the calendar and its prophecy. The Manataka American Indian Council website quotes his brother Carlos’s book, Kam Wuj: El Libro del Destino: “They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed.”

Measuring more than time

The Mayan calendar is intricate – unlike our own, it doesn’t just measure the seasonal year and mark the moons. In fact, it uses three calendars simultaneously: the Haab, the Tzolkin, and the Tun.

Mayan calendar as three-wheeled cog: HAAB - 365 days; seasons, taxes & farming styles. TZOLKIN - 260 days; the intention of creation for each day. TUN - 360 days; the prophetic calendar and the wave of creation. All three together create the Long Count.
Thanks to Quantum Co-creation for the basis of this image

Imagine the three calendars as three cogs, each turning one day at a time. The Haab has 365 days – that’s for seasons, farming, and taxes. The Tzolkin has 260 days, and gives the intention of creation for each day. The Tun has 360 days: this is the prophetic calendar which traces the wave of creation. They all start together, and all turn together, but each lasts a different length of time – so to get back to their original starting point takes a very long time. About 5,125 years. (One could spend many happy, meditative / mathematical hours with these numbers.) And that is the Mayan long count. That’s what comes to an end on December 21, 2012. To an end – but also to a new beginning.

It measures not only time, but also the nine levels of consciousness of the human race that lead up to enlightenment. These are the nine underworlds, represented by the nine-stepped Mayan pyramids.

Chichen Itza pyramid with nine steps

Get this image as wallpaper here

All nine underworlds end at the same time: December 12, 2012. Counting backwards, each one lasts 20 times the previous one. And each one represents a distinct stage in development and consciousness:

Cycle Consciousness Event Starts Lasts
Cellular Cycle Action/Reaction First Live Cells
16.4 Billion years
Mammalian Cycle Stimulus/Response First Live Births
820 Million years
Familiar Cycle Stimulus Individual Response First monkeys: Australopithecus Afarensis
41 Million years
Tribal Cycle Decision Making First humans: Homo Sapiens
2 Million years
Cultural Cycle Reasoning Spoken language
102,000 years
National Cycle Law & Punishment c. Stonehenge Aug 11, 3114 BCE 5,116 years
Planetary Cycle Power
Sep 14, 1756 256 years
Galactic Cycle Ethics
Feb 28, 2000 12.8 years
Universal Cycle Enlightenment
April 5, 2012 0.72 years

2012, the time of enlightenment, is almost upon us. Does it really look like the human race is going to make a quantum leap in evolution? Our current behavior is hardly persuasive. But there is something we have access to which could help with such a transformation: collective intelligence.

Collective intelligence

Collective intelligence is a shared, group intelligence that emerges from the collaboration of many individuals. It appears in a wide variety of forms, one being the network of computers and knowledge which is the internet. Mass communication inevitably affects mass behavior. One conscious thought can be shared collectively, in critical mass, all in a single moment. Now just think what would happen if the one conscious thought was to love one another. And how do you think that would affect mass behavior? And would this change in behavior be a quantum leap in our evolution to the new age of enlightenment?

The Mayan calendar, having tracked evolution since the Big Bang, predicts that the human race will evolve to a new level of consciousness in the year 2012. What are the odds, after those billions of years of existence, that this is the moment when we have the capacity to organize a conscious thought to love one another all in a single moment?

Perhaps a critical mass of simultaneous, conscious thought of love can catapult the human race to the next level of evolution. Perhaps this is the evolution the Mayan Calendar predicted – or perhaps our reaction to the Mayan Calendar prophecy can create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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