Here is just a small sample of what these amazing women are discussing:
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Barbara speaks of the crucial role of post-menopausal women in our world today, where the motivation of women moves from birthing babies to birthing the self: moving from Procreation to Co-creation. Women must become the “New Eve” for the world to return to the garden.
Marianne Williamson
Marianne speaks of the 17,000 children that die each day from starvation – one every five seconds – and if women were empowered and in the right frame of mind, this would never happen. What does that mean – the “right frame of mind”? According to Marianne Williamson, it’s not enough to empower women: women must become their true divine self.
Diane Musho Hamilton
Diane speaks of the The Gender Paradox – like a pendulum, women swung to their masculine energy to empower themselves, and now the pendulum begins to swing back to the feminine. The paradox is whether women have to choose between masculine and feminine energies, an either/or, or whether the real solution to the paradox is and/both.
Susan Schachterle
Susan speaks of how women can’t be leaders at the expense of being healers. The healing this planet needs right now can’t be done through political and military action. The healing necessary for the human race’s evolution will come from the intuitive wisdom and spiritual inclination of the feminine. And this feminine will evolve when women fall madly in love with themselves and work from a larger sense of purpose.
Dr. Anodea Judith
Anodea speaks of the need for our consciousness to evolve to the Divine consciousness when the human race has God-like powers – to birth humanity to early adulthood of God-hood. This evolution will change the love of power to the power of love.
Lucia René
Lucia speaks of unplugging the patriarch and the need to balance the feminine and masculine (lunar or solar) in our human existence. The human species must raise its heart-based consciousness in balancing feminine and masculine energies, as the Heart chakra is the natural balancer of the lower chakras (masculine) and upper chakras (feminine). This great linear change will happen in the year 2012 and the change will be enormously impacted by the role of women.
Marilyn Nyborg
Marilyn speaks of how our world is shaped by the masculine mind and women walk into this world not creates by their source. In the eventual wholeness for both males and females, both can experience their masculine and feminine energies, and we can unravel the patriarchy that’s in ourselves and our society.
Amy Ahlers
Amy speaks of cultivating a nurturing relationship with oneself – turning back to our feminine, which we currently devalue. This means waking up to our deeper wisdom and cultivating the courage to act on it: how receiving is powerful; how intuition is powerful; how we can’t listen to the big fat lies. We keep thinking that if we get one more thing, that will be enough – instead of saying, “I am enough, right now, and let’s play with that.”
August Gold
Answer the call. Life is talking. Are you listening?
Life is a conversation with yourself and your job is to learn its language. Once you learn its language, you will have all the support you need on a daily basis – moment to moment. Life talks to you through Life, personally and directly, and all of life is a movement toward perfection. So look at what’s happening to you instead of what’s happening for you. For those who listen, life will lead you to your destiny. For those who don’t listen, Life will drag you along anyway!
The “New Eve” of Enlightenment is upon us
With the year 2012 approaching, women are taking it to the next level. After 5,000 years of a patriarchal society, what are the odds of a “divine feminine” movement upon us right now, bringing the feminine energy we all need? Is this movement part of the New Age of Enlightenment? Is this movement part of the great spiritual enlightenment the Mayans predicted for 2012? For me, it’s hard to believe it’s not.
Listen to the Women on the Edge of Evolution audio library.
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