- kin selection – helping a close relative, I’m painting your house because you’re my mom
- direct reciprocity – tit-for-tat, I help you paint so you’ll help me clean
- indirect reciprocity – if I help you, other people will know and help me later
- spatial selection – we’re neighbors, so we help each other and survive in clusters
- group selection – we’re part of a group who all help each other, plus that means we do better than other groups
Thursday, 14 April 2011
The mathematics of the heart
Math and the heart – the words sound
completely opposed. We like to divide
things into “left-brain” and “right-brain” and never the twain shall meet. I’m
this or I’m that. In fact, that
neat distinction isn’t something neurology supports, and we might do better
to follow the Renaissance ideal – to achieve in all spheres. At the moment, most of our respect is
reserved for the math side of things – for proof, for science, for good
empirical fact, for logic. And the moment we do that, we automatically consign
all matters of the heart and emotion to a box labeled unscientific, illogical,
unproven, fluffy. This is a dangerous
way to live – and as we start to use math to explore the heart, we find out
The maths of being nice
In a
recent article in the New Scientist, Martin Nowak explains how he’s used
mathematics to explore human cooperation – and been able to show some
surprising and powerful results. For
evolutionary psychology, cooperation is fascinating: why would we evolve to
help each other, often to our own cost? Why should I tell you about a great job
opportunity if you’re more likely to get it than I am, or spend my weekend
painting your house when mine needs cleaning?
How does that help natural selection in my favor? There are five main ways we cooperate that do
act in our favor – some obviously, others more subtly:
Martin Nowak’s mathematical models are a
neat, elegant way of showing how these different forms of cooperation work and
benefit us. As a strong religious
believer, he’s equally interested in looking at how his work overlaps with
religious beliefs:
I see the
teachings of world religions as an analysis of human life and an attempt to
help. They intend to promote unselfish behaviour, love and forgiveness. When
you look at mathematical models for the evolution of cooperation you also find
that winning strategies must be generous, hopeful and forgiving. In a sense,
the world's religions hit on these ideas first, thousands of years ago.
The power of forgiveness versus punishment
is a point to which he returns.
Punishment can be used to police cooperation – cooperate or else! – and
most people hold on to the belief that punishment works, or if at least it
should, or even if it doesn’t, we still need it, because not to have it would
just be… just be…
Not to have punishment would just be
forgiveness. “Who would have thought,”
says Nowak, “That you could prove mathematically that, in a world where
everybody is out for himself, the winning strategy is to be forgiving, and that
those who cannot forgive can never win?”
Institute of HeartMath has a similar intersection between “left-brain”
approaches to knowledge and a “right-brain” subject – except the “right-brain”
aspect, emotion, might not be in the brain after all. As we explored in Listen
to Your Heart-Brain, the heart has its own brain. Neurocardiology looks at how our heart’s
thoughts are communicated to the brain and the role that this plays in our
thinking, our life, and even our health.
The relationship between stress and heart-attacks has been known for
years, but this heart-health relationship is now being explored much more
widely and in much more detail. A
healthy metaphorical heart, seat of love and emotions, is intimately tied
together with a literally healthy heart.
We weren’t such fools, after all, all those years that we said the
heart, not the brain, is the seat of emotion.
Much of the Institute’s work and focus is
on individual health and helping individuals deal with their emotions – which
is also, inevitably, helping individuals deal with their relationships. We are too rooted in society, it turns out,
to deal with each individual as a separate entity. And our responses to each other are a crucial
part of our health. Interestingly, the
Institute also soon addressed the subject of forgiveness. A study compared the effect of feeling angry
or caring towards other people, by measuring secretory immunoglobulin A
(S-IgA). This antibody is a major part
of our immune system, and used to indicate our general immune functioning. The higher your S-IgA levels, the stronger
your immune system.
Anger, it turns out, has an immediate and
negative effect on our own ability to
fight disease and stay healthy. Suddenly
Michael Nowak’s mathematical findings start to make sense. Punishment really does hurt us more than the
person we punish, because our anger makes us vulnerable to disease and
illness. Forgiveness really is the way
to win and those who don’t forgive can never win.
The HeartMath blog has plenty more to say
about forgiveness, from the many ways it helps and heals your body, with
everything from back pain to depression, and also how to find the capacity to
forgive within ourselves, those things that help us let go of our grudges, our
pain, and our bitterness, be that music, reflecting on our own faults and
mistakes, remembering the feeling of being in love, or simply surrounding
ourselves with beauty.
Whatever happened, whoever’s fault, it is
time to forgive. To move forward and
evolve as a species, we need to take care of our hearts, we need to cooperate,
and we need to forgive. We cannot move from a fear-based, hate-based society into a society based on love without passing through that crucial arch, forgiveness. And of all the
virtues, the
greatest of these is love.
human evolution,
social contagion
Monday, 21 February 2011
Heaven and hell
speak often of creating heaven on earth by December 21, 2012 on this website.
Before we go any further, we should describe what heaven is. For us, heaven is living in the love, light,
vibration, and spirit in the moment.
Throughout this website, we speak of raising our consciousness to achieve
this heavenly experience. What does that
To help us understand the concept of
raising our consciousness, let’s start with the simple concepts of
self-conscious thoughts & ideas.
I’m not good enough.
I’m not skinny enough. I’m not
clever enough. I’m not lovable. They’re out to get me. No one likes me. They talk about me behind my back. They hate me.
I hate them.
Do any of these ring a bell? These are the obsessive thoughts that we
cling to, that create the darkness in our lives. These are the thoughts that create our
living hell. These are the
self-inflicting thoughts that close off the pearly gates and our ability to
experience heaven.
Original Sin
If we
look at the story of Adam and Eve, it was a change in consciousness that
changed the Garden of Eden from heaven to a living hell. In Genesis, Adam and Eve ran
around naked and experienced heaven until they ate an apple from the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil and as a result became self-conscious of being
naked. Perhaps being self-conscious was
our original sin; perhaps this story is a metaphor for the evolution of our
species to being self-aware and, as a result, self-critical. Eating that apple
is a metaphor for the moment humanity evolved to the point of
self-actualization, creating a living hell where once only heaven existed.
Seven Deadly Sins
When we think of hell, we tend to think of
“sin”. The word “sin” is actually an
archery term for “off the mark”. “Sin”
means our thinking is off the mark. And
if we look at the “seven deadly sins” of the Christian faith, they aren’t
actually actions but are emotional prisms through which we choose to view the
world and live our lives.
Wrath – anger or rage
Greed –
excessive thoughts of or desires for wealth
Sloth – laziness
or indifference
Pride – a desire
to be more important than others
Lust – excessive
thoughts or desires of a sexual nature
Envy – desires
for other’s belongings
Gluttony –
excessive thoughts or desires for food.
If we choose to observe the world through
angry, lustful, or prideful eyes, we won’t see the light of heaven. If we choose to see the world through greed
or envy, we won’t experience the love of heaven. And if we choose a life laziness and
gluttony, we won’t feel the spirit of heaven.
For this website, earth is already heaven – but to experience it, we,
the human race, must evolve our emotional prism from fear-based emotions and
“sin” to love-based emotions.
Raising our consciousness
Ultimately, the only way to raise your
consciousness and is first, love yourself (with compassion, not arrogance) and second, love others. The second becomes much easier once we’ve
mastered the first. No matter what the perceived worldly human experience
appears to be through your self-critical ego-mind, if you can quiet the-self
conscious critics and see your experiences
through the prism of love, your reality will be love. You’ll experience heaven on earth. Although this website looks at spirituality
through everything from neurology to
mechanics, raising consciousness and experiencing heaven is not rocket
science. It’s just learning how to turn
your fear-based emotions into love.
Creating heaven on earth
heaven on earth is our planetary goal.
Obviously, that’s more difficult
than a single person experiencing the light, love, and vibration of
heaven at a single moment. But if we
can get enough individuals to experience heaven on earth through a prism of
love, and share this experience through social networks, this will ripple
out. It ripples through simple cause and
effect, through mirroring
neurons, through changing our noosphere.
And through enough rippling changes to love-based thoughts, the human race can
reach critical mass and experience a quantum leap in evolution
to experience heaven on earth as a species.
We’re already been seeing the power of
online social networks to change consciousness, with twitter campaigns and
Facebook groups stirring up genuine political movement, changes in policies,
and shared awareness. We believe it can
be used the same way to change our planetary consciousness toward spiritual
evolution – by creating a belief that love on a planetary scale is possible,
even inevitable.
Evolutionary Mapquest
The evolutionary mapquest of the human race
might be as simple as going from an evolving body to an evolving mind to an
evolving spirit. From a one-cell amoeba,
to survival of the fittest & king of the jungle, to the Age of Reason, to
the Information Age, to the Age of Love, Light, and Spirit – our new
age of enlightenment. And we
believe we can accomplish this, by December 21st, 2012.
Monday, 24 January 2011
The Noosphere
Creating the noosphere
We create the world we live in; we are part
of the world that others have created for us. Throw your mind back a hundred
years, to 1911, just before the Jazz Age, before the Great War (which had to be
renamed the First World War when we had another), when the telephone was still
new and penicillin had yet to be invented. Throw your mind back another
thousand years, to 911, deep in “the darkest of the Dark Ages”, way before
printing, before the Norman Conquest, before the vast Gothic Cathedrals flung
their spires into the air, when the Byzantine empire peaked and Mayan civilization

As the noosphere is collective human intelligence, the Global Consciousness Project has set
about to measure the effects of our thoughts directly – not just the actions
and creations they lead to. This project
hypothesizes that our thoughts themselves have direct effects. To prove this, they start with random-number
generators, nicknamed EGGs. If numbers are really random, then you can actually
expect certain patterns. Think of dice. If you throw a dice 1000 times, you’d
expect about a sixth of your throws to give a “six”. If six comes up much more
often, you know the dice is loaded. In
the same way, we can test the random numbers from the EGGs – are they properly
random? Most of the time, yes.

The critics have a different interpretation. Truly random numbers will always create
spikes and troughs. We expect randomness to create something smooth and even –
tell anyone to draw random dots on a page and they’ll space them quite evenly. Really random dots,
though, would be clumped and scattered. For instance, only two of these sets of
dots are actually random:
In the same way, genuinely random numbers will create spikes.
What’s more, say independent scientists Edwin May and James Spottiswoode, the
project looks very selectively at their chosen time windows. Another critic, Jeffrey D Scargle, suggests
their data analysis is off. (For data analysts: they check the p-value but not
the Bayesian analysis.) And finally, it’s not clear what – if anything – the
EGGs are responding to. Even if there are statistically important changes, what
are we actually measuring? It might not be the noosphere at all.
Analyzing the noosphere
Another way to come to grips with the
noosphere is to analyze it by looking at memes. A meme is a cultural "gene" – a
belief, idea, symbol, or practice, that is passed down through society, much
like our genes are passed down from our parents. A catch-phrase can be a meme;
so can a religious rite. A group of memes is a memeplex. The word was coined by
Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book, The
Selfish Gene, and has proven very useful as a
way of talking about how ideas take shape and life beyond the individual
person. It’s also given rise to
memetics, supposedly the study of how memes reproduce, transfer, and evolve.
The Journal of Memetics was short-lived,
though, running from just 1997 to 2005, and the concept is fraught with
problems. Useful as the idea of memes might be, memetics doesn’t seem the
answer to understanding the noosphere.
Our understanding of how to analyze and
measure collective knowledge and awareness is clearly still incomplete – in its
infancy, some might say. But that doesn’t mean we can’t use that collective knowledge and awareness.
Joy of the Collective
The joy of the collective is incredibly
powerful: something larger than you, which can achieve so much more than just you,
of which you are a part. Even witnessing a collective project is thrilling –
look at Eric Whitacre’s choir and the spine-tingling goose-pimpling effect of
having all those individual people’s voices, each singing in their own home to
his silent conducting, come together in one chorus. A collective project,
creation, or movement, especially a spontaneous or unled one, lifts us above
Creating Heaven on Earth
Thoughts are energy and energy can be
measured. The purpose of our website and corresponding blogs is
to get the human race to believe that creating Heaven on Earth is possible and
can be achieved by December 21st, 2012. If the human race can create compassionate,
loving thoughts through collective Intelligence (such as the internet and
social media), mirror these loving thoughts through our day-to-day activities (by
activating mirror neurons or by simple cause & effect), create a vibrant
collective behavior, and energize our Noosphere with loving and compassion
thoughts – is this creating Heaven on Earth? Will a vibrant Noosphere light up this planet
and trigger the collective consciousness of the human race to take a quantum
evolutionary leap in consciousness? We
believe the answer is “Yes”.
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Reflective behavior
& Effect
reap what you sow
goes around comes around
the change you want to see in the world
unto others as you would like others to do unto you
There’s a lot of good advice out there
about how to live one’s life and to assure it will be happy, healthy and
trouble-free. The ideas above could be summarized
as Newton’s third law: for every action
there’s an equal and opposite reaction. But we could also say, for every action there’s a reaction and a
co-action. When we watch someone else’s actions, we
observe them and react to them, but our brains also respond as if we’re doing
the action ourselves. This is down to “mirror neurons”.
Mirroring Behavior
neurons are neurons that fire when we do something and when we watch someone else do something. If I smile, parts of
my brain are activated. If I see you smile, some of the same parts are
activated. If I read the word “smile”, those same parts aren’t activated –
mirror neurons are responding to the action, not the concept. This effect can
be exceptionally strong: if
I see you doing something, I may even get a false memory of doing it myself!
Until recently, researchers have found
these neurons in animals, including primates, but only guessed that they’re in
people too. Now, researchers believe
they’ve found direct
evidence of mirror neurons in humans.
Mirror neurons seem to be the key to huge
swathes of human behavior. They will “do
for psychology what DNA did for biology” wrote V.S.
Ramachandran, the acclaimed neuroscientist. They offer us insight into how
we learn, empathy and compassion, theory of mind, imitation, and collective
behavior, to name a few.
Collective Behavior

Traditionally, collective behavior in
sociology includes the crowd, the public, the mass, and the social movements
which creating behaviors like rumors, riots, trends, and fads – from broken
windows at a demonstration to the popularity of a sneezing panda. We see collective behavior every day of our
lives, from the rumors that fly around the office to extreme change in fashion
trends we experienced in our lifetime. (So yes, we can blame collective
behavior for bell-bottom jeans in the 70s, women’s shoulder pad in the 80s, and
the parachute pants of the 90s!)
Reflective Behavior

Good Behavior
The beauty of mirror neurons and collective
behavior is they can also be used for good. When I see you smile, part of my
brain experiences that smile as if it were my own. When I see your act of
kindness to someone, part of me experiences that act of kindness too. One
person intelligently breaking the bystander effect can galvanize an entire
crowd. And this also has implications
for creating heaven on earth by December 21st, 2012. Part of the strategy to create heaven on
earth is to use collective intelligence (internet and social media) to create a
collective conscious thought, “to love one another”, to people around the
world. When people begin to act on this
conscious thought, mirror neurons kick in and create collective behavior. This,
in turn, can create a critical mass, to create heaven on earth.
Every act of kindness you perform, every
smile you give, every skill you use in front of someone else, takes on a life
beyond your own, in other people’s minds. The enormous power that mirror
neurons is the power to do good, for our actions to be larger than themselves.
Monday, 6 December 2010
Albert Einstein - quotes of relativity
Throughout this blog, we discuss the evolution of the human race to create heaven on earth by December 21, 2012. Now if one of the greatest minds in the history of the human race, Albert Einstein, was alive today, what would be his thoughts on such an ambition? Perhaps we can look at some of his famous quotes to see how they coincide with our future world vision.
“Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."
“Imagination is more important than knowledge."
“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”
“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
“Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding”
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand apt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.”
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persist one”
“Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”
“A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
“Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds”
This website consistently communicates the need for the human race to evolve from body to mind, and eventually to spirit. Our March 1 post, A New Age of Enlightenment, talks about moving from “Dare to Know” to “Dare to Be”. Einstein understood that knowledge on its own was meaningless and that tapping into spirit was the way to understand the universe.
new paradigm,
Monday, 1 November 2010
The influence of music
Think about the extraordinary power of music to comfort, inspire, and uplift.
Old Time Rock & Roll
The oldest musical instrument we’ve found, a flute, dates back to Neanderthal times, 35,000 years ago, around the time that modern humans started moving into Europe (A bit the reverse of the British Invasion!) It’s believed that music was a widespread part of society as far back as 40,000 years ago, according to Professor Nicholas Conard of Tubingen University – and that they used it pretty much as we do today. We have an innate understanding of how music shapes our moods and soothes the soul, which is increasingly backed up research.
“Old Time Rock & Roll”
Still like that old time rock'n' roll
That kind of music just soothes the soul
I reminisce about the days of old
With that old time rock 'n' roll
Bob Seger
That kind of music just soothes the soul
I reminisce about the days of old
With that old time rock 'n' roll
Bob Seger
Ever wondered why a thumping great tune makes you feel like you’re flying with happiness? The saccule is a batch of cells in the inner ear which normally responds to how your head moves – especially moving up and down, as in an elevator (although the saccule is usually not partial to Elevator music). It’s not normally used for hearing, but it does responds to loud music. And the saccule has a hot line to the hypothalamus, your brain’s pleasure center. That feeling of leaping euphoria, also sometimes called the “rock ‘n roll effect”, is basically what happens if you tickle your hypothalamus’s tummy. So to speak. And so the “Head Banger Bands” can thank fish for this one, because we inherited it from our fish ancestors. (New Scientist, 19 February 2000)
Glee & celebration
It’s widely acknowledged that singing makes us happy, even more so than listening to other people sing. As well as boosting your mood, it increases your levels of immunoglobulin A (S-IgA), which strengthens your immune system. Other medical benefits of music include helping people recover from strokes and enhancing memory for patients with Alzheimer's. With the recent popularity of shows like American Idol and America Got Talent, the joy the singers bring to the studio audience and television audience is tremendous. But the happiest people involved our the people standing behind the microphones.
Music doesn’t just benefit individuals, though. For one thing, it’s used to express social bonding. (It doesn’t cause social bonding, though, so much as show it.) Anywhere there is a celebration, from weddings to night clubs, from dinner parties to religious services, music is present. And this social bonding we see at these celebrations is created through something called social contagion – basically, one person being happy is good for everyone. One of the major neurological processes for human beings are our mirror neurons – the old “monkey see, monkey do” effect so feared and loved by parents around the world. These mirror neurons fire when we watch other people do something, to the point where we can even think we did it ourselves.
Look at the happiness on these faces – and see what a smile it brings to your own.
Uniting the World
And while musical preferences and styles may be cultural, their emotional content is not: emotions in music are universally recognized. We connect across cultures with music far more effectively than we do with the meanings given to colors, numbers, or physical gestures. We witness this time and time again at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Summer and Winter Olympics. Athletes, literally from all over the world, coming from every culture imaginable, come together to celebrate the games through music and dance. Positive emotions like joy, bliss and euphoria are created by the music and dance and magnified by social contagion. And for those few hours the differences that divide us are gone and the power of music literally unites the world.
Peace in Our Time
Throughout history music has also created cultural change for the better through the message in its lyrics
“The Times They Are A-changing”
Come mother and fathers
Throughout the land
Throughout the land
And don’t criticize
What you can’t understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin’
Please get out of the new one
If you can’t lend your hand
For the time they are a-changin’.
Bob Dylan
So why does a blog that concentrates on the evolution of the human race and the creation of Heaven on Earth by December 21st care about the scientific, spiritual and historical impact of music? The reason is we believe music can play an important role in creating the environmental structure necessary for the human race to evolve and create its Stairway to Heaven. In our Sept. 20th post, Emotional Decisions, we discuss how love-based emotions like joy, compassion, and even glee must make the decisions of the day if the human race is to evolve and we believe music can help create these love-based emotions both through its melody (tickling your hypothalamus’s tummy) and through its lyrics, creating a positive message to the collective intelligence. And through social contagion, with the help of social media, music can magnify these love-based emotions and messages and help lift the human race above the ideological walls of culture, politics, and religion that currently divide us. If the world we live in today is on the main floor, Heaven on Earth will be in the Penthouse – so let’s start building our Stairway to Heaven and create “Peace in Our Time”.
“Peace in Our Time”
Cause you and I know
What love is worth
We’re gonna build
A Heaven on Earth
Running in theWheels of fortune
Turning Water into Wine
What love is worth
We’re gonna build
A Heaven on Earth
Running in theWheels of fortune
Turning Water into Wine
Gonna make love the bottom line
Gonna make peace in our Time
Gonna make peace in our Time
Eddie Money
We can start building our Stairway to Heaven now by imagining a world that lives as one and in doing so manifesting “Heaven on Earth” and “Peace in Our Time” on December 21st, 2012 and beyond.
And remember
the truth that once was spoken:
to love another person is to see the face of God…
Do you hear the people sing…?
the truth that once was spoken:
to love another person is to see the face of God…
Do you hear the people sing…?
Monday, 11 October 2010
Stairway to Heaven
“Creating Heaven on Earth” – what an enormous concept. We talk about it a lot in this blog and speak of creating “Heaven on Earth” by December 21st, 2012. That’s quite an ambition itself without even putting a deadline on it. The earth’s been around for over 15 billion years and now we give ourselves a little over two years to create Heaven of Earth. So if we’re really going to get serious here, roll up our sleeves and get to work, we need to first define what “Heaven on Earth” actually is: a vibrant planet full of loving compassionate people connected among themselves and their environment.
“But the Greatest of These is Love”
The key to creating Heaven on Earth is creating more love in the world. All religions speak of it (see our April 5th blog, But the Greatest of These is Love); Jesus Christ preached “love your neighbor as yourself” and even more radically “love your enemy”. At its current level of evolution, humans aren’t close to loving its neighbors, let alone loving its enemies. With a little over two years until our completion date, what’s our strategy to complete our goal when it seems so far away?
Step 1 – Listen to your Heart
The first step towards creating Heaven on Earth has to start with the heart. In our August 2nd blog Listen to Your Heart-Brain, we discovered that the heart actually has a brain that functions similarly to our head-brain. We discussed how the heart-brain can actually send emotional messages, such as love and intuition, to the head-brain. So the first step in our journey starts with listening to our hearts – and letting its love guide the way.
Step 2 – Don’t Listen to Head-Brain (as much)
In our July 12th blog, God Gave you a Brain, So don’t use it, we discovered that using our head-Brain less can actually be a better state of mind – that peak performances usually occur when our brain activity is actually at the Alpha state (7-13Hz), relaxed and meditative, rather than the Beta state (13-40Hz), when our brain is more stressed. So this step is about quieting our minds so we can let Step 1, Listening to Our Hearts, fill our existence with love, light, and spiritual guidance.
Step 3 – Make Love-based Decisions
In our Sept 20th blog, Emotional Decisions, we discovered that all decisions are ultimately decided by emotions. As much as we want to be logical and rational, emotion calls the shots. So let’s pick the right emotion. Let’s dismiss the fear-based emotions like hatred, anger, loneliness, and rage, and start making decision based on emotions like love, gratitude, hope, and joy. If the human race is to create Heaven on Earth by December 21st, 2012 it is only logical (that is, intuitive) that our decision-making will have to come from love.
Step 4 – Balance the Yin & Yang
In a world driven by masculine energy, now is the time for the rise of the feminine to balance the Yin and Yang of this planet. In our May 17th blog, The Meek will Inherit the Earth, we argue that traditionally feminine traits such as intuition, creativity, compassion and love are needed to compliment the traditionally masculine traits such as rationality, logic, and purposefulness that run the world today. Our May 31st blog, The Human Race hits the Mother Lode, showed how the world has evolved with the empowerment of women, and our June 21st blog, On The “New Eve” of Evolution, showed how women today are continuing to balance the Yin and Yang by getting in touch with their “divine feminine” to balance their masculine within themselves and the planet. To achieve our end game of creating “Heaven on Earth”, we must no longer see feminine as weak but as essential – so “The Meek will Inherit the Earth”.
Step 5 - Use Collective Intelligence
So to create “Heaven on Earth” we must open our hearts, quiet our minds, and discover the essential importance of the feminine energy. We must also share this new-found enlightenment with the world. In our May 3rd Blog, The Mayan Calendar’s Promise, we discuss how for the first time in human history an enlightened thought can be shared with the world at a moment’s notice, based on collective intelligence. That a conscious thought like “to love one another” can be shared collectively throughout the internet, create a critical mass, and actually change human behavior. We already know the internet can change behavior through fear-based messages that instill emotions such as hatred, anger, and rage. Now let’s change the emotion and see if love, hope, and compassion can create a more beneficial behavior – and create our “Heaven on Earth”.
Step 6 – Create a Self-fulfilling Prophecy
On the 2012 page of the website, we introduce the idea of using the Mayan Calendar prophecy as a tool to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. If people believe the Mayans predicted a spiritual leap in evolution, maybe the world will believe it – and our actions and behaviors will respond accordingly. To create Heaven on Earth by December 21st 2012, we must first believe it’s possible. A believed thought doesn’t recreate reality, it is reality. Instead of seeing Armageddon as inevitable (a very dangerous frame of mind), we must persuade the human race that Heaven on Earth is achievable.
Step 7 – Light the Spark
In our description of Heaven on Earth, we say we must create a vibrant planet. Our August16th blog, The Soul’s Electric Light, discusses how inner light may be the electricity that our brain uses (head and heart) and the electromagnetism that fills our body. We access this inner light by opening our hearts and quieting our minds, by believing Heaven on Earth is possible and by reinforcing this belief throughout the world through our collective intelligence. Our Sept 6th blog, Cosmic Attraction, introduced the idea that the beauty of our existence isn’t skin-deep, but spirit-deep, where our true nature and true inner beauty of love, light and vibration reside. Where the spark to create our Heaven on Earth will be lit by an evolving human species.
New Age of Enlightenment
Our March 1st blog, A New Age of Enlightenment, discussed the 18th Century enlightenment – The Age of Reason and how Immanuel Kant’s motto for Enlightenment is “Dare to Know”. In the New Age of Enlightenment, the motto for Enlightenment is “Dare of Be”. Knowing will not be enough to create to Heaven on Earth: it’s the light, love and vibration that will light this planet. The energy that resonates from being a body of spirit is what will create Heaven on Earth. Opening of our hearts, quieting our minds, tapping into feminine energy, making decisions based on love, and spreading the message of love across the planet are the steps necessary to create our Stairway to Heaven.
“But the Greatest of These is Love”
The key to creating Heaven on Earth is creating more love in the world. All religions speak of it (see our April 5th blog, But the Greatest of These is Love); Jesus Christ preached “love your neighbor as yourself” and even more radically “love your enemy”. At its current level of evolution, humans aren’t close to loving its neighbors, let alone loving its enemies. With a little over two years until our completion date, what’s our strategy to complete our goal when it seems so far away?
Step 1 – Listen to your Heart
The first step towards creating Heaven on Earth has to start with the heart. In our August 2nd blog Listen to Your Heart-Brain, we discovered that the heart actually has a brain that functions similarly to our head-brain. We discussed how the heart-brain can actually send emotional messages, such as love and intuition, to the head-brain. So the first step in our journey starts with listening to our hearts – and letting its love guide the way.
Step 2 – Don’t Listen to Head-Brain (as much)
In our July 12th blog, God Gave you a Brain, So don’t use it, we discovered that using our head-Brain less can actually be a better state of mind – that peak performances usually occur when our brain activity is actually at the Alpha state (7-13Hz), relaxed and meditative, rather than the Beta state (13-40Hz), when our brain is more stressed. So this step is about quieting our minds so we can let Step 1, Listening to Our Hearts, fill our existence with love, light, and spiritual guidance.
Step 3 – Make Love-based Decisions
In our Sept 20th blog, Emotional Decisions, we discovered that all decisions are ultimately decided by emotions. As much as we want to be logical and rational, emotion calls the shots. So let’s pick the right emotion. Let’s dismiss the fear-based emotions like hatred, anger, loneliness, and rage, and start making decision based on emotions like love, gratitude, hope, and joy. If the human race is to create Heaven on Earth by December 21st, 2012 it is only logical (that is, intuitive) that our decision-making will have to come from love.
Step 4 – Balance the Yin & Yang
In a world driven by masculine energy, now is the time for the rise of the feminine to balance the Yin and Yang of this planet. In our May 17th blog, The Meek will Inherit the Earth, we argue that traditionally feminine traits such as intuition, creativity, compassion and love are needed to compliment the traditionally masculine traits such as rationality, logic, and purposefulness that run the world today. Our May 31st blog, The Human Race hits the Mother Lode, showed how the world has evolved with the empowerment of women, and our June 21st blog, On The “New Eve” of Evolution, showed how women today are continuing to balance the Yin and Yang by getting in touch with their “divine feminine” to balance their masculine within themselves and the planet. To achieve our end game of creating “Heaven on Earth”, we must no longer see feminine as weak but as essential – so “The Meek will Inherit the Earth”.
Step 5 - Use Collective Intelligence
So to create “Heaven on Earth” we must open our hearts, quiet our minds, and discover the essential importance of the feminine energy. We must also share this new-found enlightenment with the world. In our May 3rd Blog, The Mayan Calendar’s Promise, we discuss how for the first time in human history an enlightened thought can be shared with the world at a moment’s notice, based on collective intelligence. That a conscious thought like “to love one another” can be shared collectively throughout the internet, create a critical mass, and actually change human behavior. We already know the internet can change behavior through fear-based messages that instill emotions such as hatred, anger, and rage. Now let’s change the emotion and see if love, hope, and compassion can create a more beneficial behavior – and create our “Heaven on Earth”.
Step 6 – Create a Self-fulfilling Prophecy
On the 2012 page of the website, we introduce the idea of using the Mayan Calendar prophecy as a tool to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. If people believe the Mayans predicted a spiritual leap in evolution, maybe the world will believe it – and our actions and behaviors will respond accordingly. To create Heaven on Earth by December 21st 2012, we must first believe it’s possible. A believed thought doesn’t recreate reality, it is reality. Instead of seeing Armageddon as inevitable (a very dangerous frame of mind), we must persuade the human race that Heaven on Earth is achievable.
Step 7 – Light the Spark
In our description of Heaven on Earth, we say we must create a vibrant planet. Our August16th blog, The Soul’s Electric Light, discusses how inner light may be the electricity that our brain uses (head and heart) and the electromagnetism that fills our body. We access this inner light by opening our hearts and quieting our minds, by believing Heaven on Earth is possible and by reinforcing this belief throughout the world through our collective intelligence. Our Sept 6th blog, Cosmic Attraction, introduced the idea that the beauty of our existence isn’t skin-deep, but spirit-deep, where our true nature and true inner beauty of love, light and vibration reside. Where the spark to create our Heaven on Earth will be lit by an evolving human species.
New Age of Enlightenment
Our March 1st blog, A New Age of Enlightenment, discussed the 18th Century enlightenment – The Age of Reason and how Immanuel Kant’s motto for Enlightenment is “Dare to Know”. In the New Age of Enlightenment, the motto for Enlightenment is “Dare of Be”. Knowing will not be enough to create to Heaven on Earth: it’s the light, love and vibration that will light this planet. The energy that resonates from being a body of spirit is what will create Heaven on Earth. Opening of our hearts, quieting our minds, tapping into feminine energy, making decisions based on love, and spreading the message of love across the planet are the steps necessary to create our Stairway to Heaven.
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